Saturday, September 7, 2013

I Love What I Do

 I was privileged last night to coordinate a 50th wedding anniversary party at the beautiful venue called "The Villa". Here is the entrance to this amazing courtyard and house.
 We worked with a gold theme for the 50th and carried it throughout including the gold chargers and the gold manzanita trees sprinkled with orchids for centerpieces.
 To me, what really makes a party memorable is to bring in special touches that reflect the couple, the event, the theme, etc. We decorated each room of the house with family photos, chalkboards with sayings about marriage, and even the couple's own golf clubs in the living room.
 Their first date was at a soda fountain for a Coke, so we greeted guests with a vintage Coke cooler filled with old fashioned bottled Coke. Did you know you know you can buy these little bottles at Target? Thanks for the tip, EB!
Additions to the bathroom included black & white photos of the couple, monogrammed hand towels, moss covered initials hanging from hooks and floating candles.
There were many other special touches, like photo pillows on the outside benches, over 100 votive candles throughout the house, chocolate "50" suckers for guests as their take-home treat and a huge chalkboard with "fun facts" about the couple ~ how they met, first date, etc.
It was a lot of work. I was on my feet for 10.5 hours yesterday. I feel so lucky to be creative, make people smile AND get paid for it!!

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