Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ashes to Ashes, but Where??

Recently, the conversation turned to where we would like our ashes scattered. At first, I said, "Nordstrom dressing room #2." Actually, that is the me I used to be, not the me I am today. I rarely shop anymore and only if it is for something specific, not sport. Age has finally shown me that buying, especially OVER buying, is useless and not fulfilling.
 It has given me pause to consider this. I know I do not want to be buried in the ground with the hopes that people will come and "see" me. So, where do I want my ashes scattered? I think I'd like to be divided up among a few places. I enjoy the beach, so a little out there would be nice. I have loved family camping at Convict Lake, so some of me can be tossed there, either the lake or space #43. So much entertaining has gone on at our house for the last 28+ years, a little of me should remain in the dirt in the yard. But, where else? Maybe each person who is still here can take a part of me and scatter it where they love. That way, they will think of me when they visit their favorite spot. What could be better?
They say we truly cease to exist when the last person who knew us or knew of us, no longer says our name. As long as there is someone who still talks about us, remembers us or ponders our life, we remain, somehow, a part of this world.
So, where would you like to be scattered? Interesting question...

1 comment:

  1. Biggsuzi, I have had the same plan to be scattered in many favorite places or to be left to the whims of surviving family. I have had a change of heart after the recent passing of my mother and visiting her gravesite in the very peaceful and serene El Toro Memorial Cemetery. Having a location for loved ones to visit, and a head stone with your name "to be spoken of" now seems to be the way to go...but who knows what I will think 25 years from now...maybe a Viking Funeral!
