Sunday, June 12, 2011

Indoor Camping

Children will not remember you for the material things you provided
but for the feeling that you cherished them.
Many things are said about loving children, but this quote touched me because it uses the verb cherish instead of love. Cherish holds such a higher value than even love. I mean, I love Starbucks coffee, but I certainly don't cherish it. I love a clean, organized house, but I don't cherish it. Now, these three little noisy, messy creatures in this pictures, these I cherish. We had a sleepover x 3 and it was not without it's bumps and tears, but, all in all, it was so much fun to cuddle down beside them and watch the movie together while rubbing their sweet little heads. Sleepy kisses flowed freely along with, "I love you, Grammie." In the not too distant future, their sleepovers will not include me, but their friends. Their wings sprout faster than we can ever imagine and that is why I cherish these moments and the memories they give me.

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