Friday, April 15, 2011


Usually, we have one grand kid at a time for a sleepover, but mom has been running the ship solo all week and needed a break. We said we'd take all three, no problem.
We did some swimming in the "little pool", as they call it. After all, it was over 80 degrees today. Jack slammed into the side and had a huge bloody nose and bashed up face!
We got Happy Meals for dinner with the new "Rio" birds inside. All was going great. We sat them down to dinner and suddenly, Jack said his stomach hurt. He fell to the floor writhing in pain. I rarely over react, and according to my husband, I "under" react. I'm not going to lie; it totally freaked me out! He was screaming in pain and I wasn't sure what to do. Mark, of course, immediately wanted me to call Amber and meet her at the emergency room! I told Jack he probably needed to poop! See, I really don't over react to these situations. I put him on the potty and he started screaming and dropped to the floor. He was crying out, "I need to go to the hospital." Holy sleepover!! I picked him up and cradled him, not easy for a 40+ lbs kid. Suddenly, he looks up and vomits, all over himself, me and the tile. He does this a few more times and now I am a member of Mark's "Call Amber Camp"! We call Amber and totally freak her out. So much for a "night off". HA! There is no night off when you are a mom. I am thinking the bonk on the nose has done some major damage and this is his body's reaction. He sits on the sofa and rests for a bit. Amber is on her way to check him out with her own two eyes. Mark now tells me Jack had been doing triple somersaults in the pool for over an hour and wouldn't stop. He clearly swallowed some of the salt water because that's all he barfed up. Within minutes of barfing and resting, he tells me, "Grammie, I'm hungry." He promptly polishes off his four chicken nuggets and one left over by his little sister. Crisis averted!! No real damaged incurred!!
Everybody wanted a bath in Grammie's big tub. Jack felt fine. Don't let the green bowl fool you! He's a goof ball!
Now the only question is, where are WE going to sleep?!?!?! Amber, I hope you are having a wonderful, quiet, relaxing, peaceful evening!!!

P.S> Thank goodness for pinot noir, or, as we like to call it, grammie's medicine!!!

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