Friday, March 28, 2014

Seeing Dollar Signs

Callie Girl was in for a long overdue, much needed grooming yesterday. Either you have a dog with short hair that sheds everywhere, or you have a dog with long hair that needs regular haircuts and grooming. Neither sounds like a winner, so it's a good thing we love them.
While picking her up, I began chatting with another "dog mom". I was complaining that the grooming prices had gone up and they had never bothered to mention it when I dropped the dog off that morning. She agreed that they seemed to steadily be increasing of late. Then she told me that the next day her dog was scheduled for cataract surgery!! She told me that she was sure her dog could not see her anymore and it made her sad. I said that, wow, I bet that was going to be expensive! She told me it was costing five thousand dollars!!!! I almost fell over! I thought about it the whole drive home. Would I be willing to spend that much money on my dog? Honestly, I am not so sure I would. I mean, I love her and she brings me a great deal of joy, but cataract surgery for that much money? I jokingly told my husband that I wouldn't spend that much on surgery for him!! It wasn't like the dog was in pain or suffering, her eyesight was going. She was eleven years old, the lady said. I guess she felt the dog had enough good years left in her that her doggie sight was worth it. Five more years...five thousand dollars...I guess she figured that amortized over that time frame, it was worth $1000 a year for her dog to see better.
I just don't see it. No pun intended!!!

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