Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I Don't Care...Really!

I have been married a long time...a really long time. Maybe that is why this sign gave me a good laugh.
Here's the scene right out of the movie of my life:
Scene: Couple in car, backing out of driveway.
Wife: Where do you want to go?
Husband: I don't care.
Wife: Oh my gosh, you say that every time! Can't you come up with an idea??
Husband: Don Jose?
Wife: God, no! The last time we ate there the food was awful.
Husband: Italian?
Wife: No, I made pasta last night.
Husband: I don't care.
Wife: You NEVER help with this decision. It's always up to me to figure out where we are going to eat.
Husband: Where do you want to go?
Wife: Why do I always have to be the one to decide?? You know, just forget it. I don't want to go out anymore!
Husband: That's the difference between us. When I say,"I don't care", I really mean I don't care. When you say, "I don't care", you mean, "I want Chinese" and I am supposed to know that!
Wife: You just don't understand me at all.
Wife sits with arms crossed in the car as husband raises his eyes to the sky and sighs.
End of scene...til the next time!!!
Is this a scene from your life too???

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