Saturday, June 23, 2012

Take It

So often, we are admonished to "FIND joy in each day". I recently came across an article that said, "TAKE joy from each day." This made me stop and think about the difference between the two. 
I think the difference lies in the attitude behind the two verbs. "Find" means, I need to wade through the daily crap, frustrations and every-day-ness that make up life. It requires the task of searching through this stuff to try and see (find) something for which I can be joyful. Some days that can be a daunting task! It forces me to keep looking even when it appears there may be very little to label as joy.
Whereas, "take" indicates that there is automatically joy everywhere and I merely need to take it and not search to find it. It means the joy is already guaranteed in every day and is mine for the taking.  It means I don't have to find it as it finds me. Like flowers in the garden, all I have to do is pick from the possibilities and pluck any one of the many right in front of me.
Funny how one little word can change everything. For me, I plan to TAKE joy from each day. How about you? There's plenty to go around.

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