Sunday, June 17, 2012


This little girl, turned this man into a father way back in 1980. Doesn't it just look like they are discussing life in this photo? They have continued to discuss it, often heatedly, for the last three decades.

Two years later, his son came along and changed him again. Both kids have, at times, been exasperated by him, embarrassed by him, thought he was the dumbest guy on earth (but then, doesn't this sound like all kids?!) and yet, they have ALWAYS known he will be there for them, no matter what. His love for them has remained a constant in their lives. Often, quietly standing on the sidelines, he is ALWAYS there.
Today, his steadfast ways continue with the next generation. He started as Grandpa. Maddy turned it into "Pa", and by the time number three got a hold of his heart, it had evolved to "Papa". No matter the name, they all know he's the guy to go to no matter what! Part of it is, he never tells them no, but the other part is he genuinely cares and is interested in what they have to say. He's the guy that, not only shows up at the sporting event every time, but is often the one who also shows up at the practices as well. Pushing one on the swing or pitching baseballs for an hour is not a burden. He truly would rather be with them than any place else.He often reminds me that soon they will have a bigger life with friends, etc and be around us less and less. Why miss any moment you can grab for now?
He is a smart man. Happy Father's Day, Big Marko!

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