Thursday, March 1, 2012

32 - 35

I just finished reading an article that talked about at what age a woman feels the best about herself and her body. In the story, the author stated that she felt, for most women, it was the years from 32 to 35. You are past your youthful angst and still far enough away from severe wrinkles and body breakdown. I totally agree. Looking back to when I was in my early thirties, I did feel pretty good about myself. I wore stylish clothes ~ oh my gosh, I had this yellow and black dress that was just fabulous! To top it off, I had a chunky necklace and earrings in black and yellow and beautiful four inch heels that were also black and yellow. I made a statement when I entered the room! Years later, when my daughter came across this ensemble, she was completely aghast that I would wear such a thing!
I didn't have a speck of cellulite anywhere on my body. I was not skinny, but on the trim side. I rarely exercised and never dieted. My skin looked pretty good and, often, I forgot to wear foundation. Today, I wouldn't walk out to the mailbox without foundation for fear a neighbor might see me! My hair was a lovely shade of red and it didn't need to be touched up every four weeks to hide the gray. There was no gray! Alas, I did not appreciate these years enough, just as my husband predicted.
Today, the hard truth of age is with me daily. I think my pillow causes wrinkles because many mornings when I get up, there are new ones on my face! I have become obsessed with women's necks and how wrinkly they are. I can't stop staring and wonder if they are staring at mine. No matter how many miles I run each week, gravity is still winning and things are slowly moving south. I feel sad to think there is little I can do to stop this. Oh, sure, I could get plastic surgery and wear that "surprised" look all the time. My husband is totally opposed and would never forgive me. I am a chicken anyways and just wouldn't do it. Right for some, not for me.
The best I hear these days is, "You look good for your age." What does that mean?! What is my age supposed to look like? I often lie about my age. I add years. Then they really think I look good "for my age".
I hesitate when buying clothes and ask myself if it's age appropriate. There's nothing worse that wearing too youthful clothes, unless it's finally giving up and wearing only elastic wasted pants!! Where is the happy medium? Style at any age? Magazine love to write about the topic, but when I gaze at the photos that accompany the article, I can't see any wrinkly necks!
I don't wish for the life of 35 to come again, just the body. I promise I will be much more appreciative of it this time around!
Does anyone know where I can get some yellow and black shoes?

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