Monday, June 3, 2013

Amazing? Really?

Recently, I have had the word amazing thrown at me a lot...Their life is amazing...their kids are amazing...their husband is amazing...their job is amazing!
I don't know about you, but I think amazing is a very strong word and not one I use lightly or often. I am pretty sure I have never described my life as amazing. I asked a few people about this and wondered if they would describe their life as amazing. Not one of them said yes. Oh, we feel we have good lives, maybe even moments of great, but amazing?? Ummm, not so much! I asked if they would describe their husband as amazing. No long married people said that word was the first one to come to mind. This is not say we don't love our mates and think they are pretty great. We'd also like to leave them out for the trash man on any given Wednesday! Amazing?  Ummm, not so much!
Kids? Well, young children are more exhausting than anything, with bouts of amazing every now and then, whereas grown children can challenge you in ways you never dreamed of and turn into regular adults with good days and bad days, happy and sad moods. Amazing? Yes, occasionally, and yet again, not the first word I would use to describe them.
Me? I have never thought that the first word I would use to describe myself would be amazing, unless being dependable, organized, quick-witted, judgmental and sarcastic equals amazing  and I just didn't know it! It's just such a strong word that is so over-the-top, it is hard to believe. I almost feel that when you try to sell something to me this hard..."It's all so amazing!" leads me to wonder if you are trying to convince me or yourself! It makes me doubt the speaker a little.
Life can be amazing. It can also be hard and messy and challenging and a roller coaster ride with ups and downs. I guess the trick is to notice the fleeting moments that truly are amazing!
Now, if you want to hear amazing, let me tell you all about my grandchildren!!

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