Friday, March 15, 2013

What's Your Priority?

Just today, on the morning talk shows, they were carrying a story of how regrettable both women and men have found their lives to be when trying to balance work and home. We women have been master jugglers for years, scheduling kid's school and sports activities, while trying to maintain a foothold in the work area as well. Not to mention, meals, laundry, paying bills, etc. It all takes time and it seems to be in short supply for most of us. Now men are feeling the pinch as well. Be the bread winner, make more money, climb the ladder of success has been the primary focus for most of them. Guess what? Many have looked up and realized they have missed much of their children's lives as a result of this single-minded focus and they now regret it terribly.
While most of the "events" are small in nature, being there for the kids turns them into the star of the hour. They shine brightly when we pay attention to them and let them know how much they matter to us.
Today, two of our little stars were shining brightly and we got a chance to witness it. Abbey had a St. Patrick's Day parade around the school. Green was all around and they were all so proud. Then, we jetted up to Maddy's school to be there for her to receive an award as well. My husband was knee deep in breaking out concrete on a job, but he showed up, dirt and dust as well. Nobody probably noticed except me. Definitely not Maddy, who adores him beyond words and was just happy to have him there.
And, guess what? The concrete was still there when he got back!

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