Friday, March 1, 2013

Light the Candle

I am always a bit amazed when I go to people's homes and they have never lit candles all over the place. I burn candles all the time and love the smell of scented ones. When I ask why they have never been burned, the answer is often that they are special or too nice to light. They seem to be waiting for a time, in the future, when lighting the candle will be part of an important event. It's just a candle, I think. Didn't you buy it because you loved it and wanted to use it? Aren't candles meant to be burned and used?
I was relating this "candle theory" to a lady and she stopped for a moment and got a little weepy. You see, her grandmother had died a few months ago and she and her sister were in charge of cleaning out grandma's things. They opened one drawer of her dresser only to find the most beautiful and elegant silk and lace nightgowns they had ever seen. Many still had the original tags on them. She and her sister looked at each other and said, "What was she waiting for?" Sometimes "later" becomes "never".
Why wait to use the "good" china, the "guest" towels, the "expensive" perfume, the "fancy" nightgown or the "special" candle. None of us are promised tomorrow. Using things up is not wasteful, it is living life to the fullest. Few of us can honestly say we live this way.
What is your "later" that could become your "never"? You still have time to change it!!

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