Friday, February 22, 2013

Check it Off the List

Bucket List:" things you want to do before you die (kick the bucket!!)"
Bucket lists are as different as people. Some things on them are huge and some are small. By many standards, this one may be silly. I have always wanted to see every one of the movies up for best picture one year. In any given year, I am lucky if I see one or two that make this esteemed list. I mentioned this wish to my dear friend, JoEllen, and, in true Jo fashion, without missing a beat, she said, "I'm in. Let's do it!"
So, from when the nominees were announced in mid January to the Academy Awards (which are this Sunday), we went and saw all nine movies. I usually don't see 9 movies at the theater in a year, let alone within 6 weeks!
I must say, if they had not been on the list, several of these movies held no interest for me. I was not excited to see all of them, but a challenge is a challenge. A few turned out to be better than I imagined and I am so glad I saw them. Some were disappointing and some bore the question, "How did this movie even make the list?!" I give a mini review of each below, but the real value of this adventure is twofold. First, big or small, we must challenge ourselves to do things that are not always easy. We must believe in ourselves to try new things and know we can accomplish what we set out to do. Second, the biggest value I achieved from checking this off my bucket list is,  I did it with someone who means a great deal to me. The experience was cool, sharing the experience was priceless. Thanks for the laughs, JoEllen. Memories shared are the glue of friendship.

Amour -Getting old sucks & is depressing, even worse in a tiny french apartment.
Argo - You knew the outcome (it's history) & yet it kept you on the edge of your seat!
Beasts of the Southern Wild - How do people live in such poverty & yet still find small joys?
Django - Bloodiest movie I have ever seen & I laughed out loud!
Les Miserables - Saw this twice as a play & the movie is no less depressing. Ugh!
Life of Pi - Glad I didn't read the book. Ambiguous ending left me flat.
Lincoln - I had low expectations of this one &, IT WAS THE BEST OF ALL!! Loved it!!
Silver Lining Playbook - Once again confirms, all families are crazy.
Zero Dark Thirty - So incredibly boring & left me wondering why it made the list!

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