Friday, July 5, 2013

You Inspire Me

 My daughter & I ran a 10K early this morning. We had signed up for the 5K, but when we got there, it was kind of a casual race format and they said we could run the 10K if we wanted. I left it up to Amber and she said, "Let's do it!" (Her very first one!) It was along the bike/trail path of a park and manged to stay nice and cloudy for us during the race.
Frankly, I still marvel at this woman I bore so many years ago. She spent most of her life shunning exercise and now, has discovered she loves how it makes her feel...not to mention LOOK! Check out that new bod!!
Shortly after we dropped her off after the race, she sent me this text:

"Thoughts from running today: you see people who are clearly studs and you smile and think, wow I'm impressed. You see people who are old or young and you smile and think, wow I'm impressed. You see people who are just starting on running/weight loss and you smile and think, wow I'm impressed. So basically running makes you smile and be impressed by everyone who gets out there to do it. :)"
That about sums it up in a nutshell. No matter your age, your size, your reason, etc., we just get out there and put one foot in front of the other. We time ourselves, not to measure us against anyone else, but to see our own progress. We have good days and bad days. We have good runs and bad runs, but we keep running. 
What she may not realize, while she was out there being impressed by those around her, I was running beside her being impressed by her!


  1. I'm impressed by Amber, and even more impressed by her mom.

  2. WOW!!! What a lovely memory to make-when yourun your first 10k with your mom!! Truly you have inspired Amber---make room in our hotel room in SF next year for Amber to get her Tiffany necklace!!!
