Monday, July 13, 2015

Our Weekend

"A picture is worth a thousand words."
This was our weekend, in a nut shell.
1)We were invited to join the hockey team for a BBQ on Saturday. The hosts had a lovely home, complete with an amazing rock slide which the kids went down a bazillion times! Holding onto the sides as they went, they found out later they had scraped up their fingers pretty bad, but it was worth it. Abbey decided she needed a bandaid on every finger. It may have been more of a fashion statement than a medical need!
2) Jack's team won the gold medal for their division. Here he stands between his two biggest cheerleaders. Watching him play, watching his smile, watching the team work so well together, is sheer joy.
3) Maddy headed off to sleep away camp for a week. She and Pa were being extra silly by shaking hands good bye. It was especially silly because Pa helped drive her to camp and they probably hugged ten times after this photo was taken. These two, thick as thieves, as they say. Plus, Pa's humor ranges in the eight year old mentality, so the kids find him extra funny. Me...not so much!!
Not Hawaii, not Europe, not even close, and, yet, such a fun weekend! Guess it's true. It's not where you are, but who you are with that makes life great.

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