Sunday, July 19, 2015

Almost There??

You see lots of signs along the side of the road when you run races. Some are funny and make you chuckle as you run. Now THIS is a realistic sign for a race. I hate when people shout, "Almost there!" when there are still miles to go. If you have ever run a distance, it gets harder and harder as you chalk up the miles. When you hit the double digits (10 miles) of a half marathon, you know you have the better part of it licked, but you are far from "almost there". You still need to run 3.1 miles and that's a 5K. To some runners, a 5K is the ENTIRE race. Who would tell them, at the start, that they are "almost there"??? Probably nobody. Unless you are standing at the 13 mile marker, don't tell me I am "almost there"!
Now these are pretty funny. Smiling through the pain...cuz I'm almost there!!!

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