Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The girls were in their school variety show Saturday night. Sean and Amber and friends from San Jose were coming straight from a hockey game to make the performance. We needed to save ten seats. Rusty, who is never far from Abigail's side for the past two and a half years, was there, of course. Thank goodness we didn't have to buy him a ticket! He did come in handy as I walked down the aisle placing "reserved" signs on the chairs, as you can see.
Rusty gets to go lots of places. He has also been left at a lot of places ~the car wash, Grammie and Pa's house, the hockey rink, the store. Pa is usually the one who gets the phone call, day or night, goes and finds him and drives him to Abbey. We have managed to rescue him each and every time he has turned up missing, much to the joy of Abbey and the relief to us.
I don't want to live in Abbey's world if Rusty is not close by....scary!!
She would be un-bearable!!!


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