Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Where's My Law?

Last week, California passed a law that states a car must allow three feet of room for a bicyclist. On my run this morning, I couldn't help but wonder, what's the law to protect runners? This was brought to the forefront of my mind about mile four, when two young girls, in a silver Camry, came within about four inches of running me over. They were so busy, laughing, chatting and, what appeared to be, changing the radio station, they never saw me in the crosswalk. I, being me, yelled, "You almost hit me! You almost hit me!" which finally caused them to look up in horror. I am pretty sure they were both shaking for the next few miles of their drive. At least I hope so. Hey, girls, you came within four inches of making my husband a widower! It was, seriously, that close!!
My husband always admonishes me that I have to be the one who is always watching. He takes the "drive defensively" to the level of "run defensively". He says I need to assume that they are going to hit me. He says it's on me to be vigilantly watching at every corner, just in case they are not.
This takes my fun run and turns it into a job! Bah!
I know I have blogged about this before, but PLEASE be careful. Look BOTH ways when making any turn. Really STOP at every stop sign. Someone may be about to cross. That someone might be me.
My husband would make a lousy widower!

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