Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What's That Smell?

I never really thought of myself as smelly or having BO very often, if at all. Then, I took up running. At first, I didn't notice it every time I ran, just on long runs or especially hot days. I would be in the kitchen after a run, turn my head and get a wiff of what my running hat smelled like! Oh man, it was awful!!! Even after it dried out, I would get assaulted by that smell of old, rancid sweat. It was nasty!! Now, after each run, the hat gets tossed into the washing machine along with the clothes. Occasionally, my husband will kindly say, "Boy, you stink!"
Sometimes in a race, you encounter a person who is especially stinky. I find this highly motivating to kick up my speed a notch and get past them as soon as possible. Once I forgot to put on deodorant before a race, and I am pretty sure, I was that stinky person people wanted to pass! Sorry fellow runners. My bad!
My husband is in construction, so I know sweat and stink! I must admit, after a run, I am probably on par with him after a long work day. It really is rather unladylike, but I don't see any way around it when you are putting in the miles.
Then, I happened upon a study done by Canadian scientists. They proved through research that exercise can help reverse the signs of aging! They had subjects, age 65 and older participate in workouts twice a week for three months. Guess what? The skin biopsies at the end of the study looked similar to what you'd expect for people 20 to 40 years younger!!! 
Now, I don't know about you, but that is reason enough for me to keep running and getting sweaty. I may stink, but my face will look younger as a result!
What's that smell? It's me!! Sweaty, beautiful skinned me!!

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