Thursday, April 9, 2015

Not an Option

“Fitness for the young is an option. Fitness for the old is an imperative,” says Walter M. Bortz II, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford University and longevity expert.
I saw this quote in an article I read this week. Ahhhh, youth. They feel they are invincible. They feel they will live forever. They feel nothing can touch them.
As we age, and, hopefully mature, we learn that what we did easily in our 20s is not so easy in our 50s and 60s. The body betrays us much earlier than we think it will. For me, I am far more fit and healthy today than I was in my 30s. Yes, youth and gravity were on my side back then, but I did nothing in the way of exercise or conscious fitness. I was just lucky.
Today, I am much more aware of keeping my body moving. The old adage, "Use it or lose it." rings in my head. Days when I run are better days than those when I don't. Yes, there are aches and pains. Yes, there is stiffness. When did getting up from sitting on the floor require such a slow and steady process? I can only imagine how hard it would be if I just sat around all day. Yikes!
No matter how careful we are and how healthy we try to live, health promises us nothing. One day we are fine and the next day we are sick. It happens, without warning, even to the heartiest among us. We all know a story about a friend or a friend of a friend or a family member who no longer has their health. We shake our head, tsk tsk, and say a silent prayer of thanksgiving that it is not us. Not yet. Not today.
And that is why, fitness now, in my golden years, is not an option. It is imperative.

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