Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I am constantly amazed at where life takes me. Sometimes I am closed off to new things and new people, but when I look around a little closer, I find the most wonderful experiences. Take Alice. I just met her today because she makes these fabulous scarves. I went to chat with her about her scarves as I am helping with the marketing of a local store that offers them. Totally a random thing that our paths crossed and, yet, maybe not so random. There are no accidents!!
Alice is 83 and as joyful and happy a person as you will ever meet. Her husband passed away two years ago (they had been married 60+ years!) and, guess what, she started making scarves two years ago!! It takes her about 5 hours to make one scarf. She never intended on selling them, but, one day, she walked into a luncheon wearing one and the ladies went wild for them. Sweet, mild Alice was stunned anyone wanted to BUY one! Today, EVERYONE wants to buy one! She attaches these adorable, handmade flowers to each scarf, which really adds a special flair. She showed me one flower she made and the center has a buttom that came from her own mother's coat. When she showed me and I admired it, she said, "Mama." That flower, of course, is not for sale! She keeps it in a special bag, a treasure, for sure.
I have decided I need more scarves, for myself and for friends. I may buy them one at a time. Then I get to go and visit Alice and hear more of her story. That may be even more of a gift than her beautiful scarves! So, thank you, Laura at the bank, who introduced me to Del, who introduced me to Tricia, who introduced me to Alice. Isn't this road of life a grand adventure?!?!

1 comment:

  1. That's my Nanny! Isn't she just the best? Her scarves are beautiful and sought after, but her heart is pure gold and priceless. She is such a blessing to us and we love that many women in the good old OC are getting to know our precious Nanny through her gifts of creativity and artistry. I for one am always looking up to Nanny for advice and wisdom and hope that I can pass on those amazing traits to my own children.
