Wednesday, June 11, 2014


WARNING!!!! This blog contains explicit information that may totally gross you out!!! Do not read, especially to the end, if you can't handle it!!!
If you read my blog, you know that last August I climbed Mt. Whitney, or, as I like to call it The Worst Day of My Life!!! Many things resulted from 21 hours on that damn mountain, but one of them was that I lost three toenails over the next few months following the climb.
My big toenail fell off while I was on a fun girlfriend's getaway in October. I screamed in the shower when I looked down and discovered my foot in one spot and the toenail circling the drain!! My poor friend thought something bad had happened. Well, it did!!! I lost my toenail! It has been our running joke every since and out of the blue, I will send her, once again, a text with this photo of my displaced toenail. It has given us many laughs.
Perhaps odd to admit, but I have kept this toenail, on my desk in my office, since I lost it. I am not sure why, but I didn't want to part with it. My daughter is completely grossed out by this and my son-in-law suggested I drill a hole in it and wear it as a necklace. Both reactions give me the chuckles. Yes, sick, I know.
But it gets worse...
Today, when I came home, my dog was sleeping in her bed with a pile of barf on the floor in front of her. That alone is a disgusting, but as I was cleaning it up, I noticed some chunks of something within the liquid barf. The something had a very distinct hot pink color. I recognized it, but couldn't recall from where I remembered it. Then it dawned on me!! I went into my office and, sure enough, my special toenail was missing!!! My dog had jumped up on my chair, onto my desk and eaten my old toenail!!!!! It obviously didn't agree with her tummy and she barfed it up!!! I guess the toenail was out of date code!!
My friend is lucky I didn't take a photo of the barf with chunks of pink in it. It would have started a whole new chain of texts to her!
I find myself sad that the toenail is no longer around. It feels like a piece of me is missing. Oh, wait, it is!!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess Sean was right....shoulda made a necklace out of it!
    I will miss that part of you deeply...... There's always Whitney to climb and replace!
