Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"S" is for Susan

My dear, crazy friend decided that this BIG birthday needed a BIG fact, she decided it needed SIXTY presents!! Not only did she give me 60 things, every one of them started with the letter "S"!! From Skittles, to succulents, to spoons and Subway gift cards, she plotted and planned to make this birthday special for me. I am a much better giver than receiver and frankly, I felt a little overwhelmed and unworthy with all this, but it sure was fun! Do you know how long it takes to open 60 things?!?!
 The final gift was a beautiful new quilt she made for me. Now, you may be saying, "Quilt doesn't start with "S"!", but a Star Spangled quilt sure does!!! Lucky for her, I was born on Flag Day and love the red, while and blue theme.
My card was actually a sewn panel on the back of the quilt. A treasure to enjoy and remember this birthday and for years to come.
Then, to top it all off, she and her husband took us out to dinner to a restaurant I have been wanting to try for ages called Park Ave. As her husband said when we left, even the restaurant fits the theme because it is in Stanton!!! Who knew that fine dining can be found in Stanton?!?!
So far, this getting older thing is really working out well for me!!

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