Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Days of Thankful ~ #15

Reading has been a love of mine for my entire life. Usually, I have two books going at once, one fiction and one a self help book. I am embarrassed to admit how many magazine subscriptions I have. While my husband cruises the television stations each night, I immerse myself in a book or magazine. Reading is a ticket to anywhere. It can teach you, jar you to see things differently, make you laugh or cry. Dinner has been known to be delayed for hours at my house if the book was good enough!
I have worked hard to instill my love of reading in my grandchildren. The girls loved it right from the start. Jack, being a boy, not so much. I finally found a way to make him realize how important reading can be to him. After the umpteenth time he asked me to read something on one of his iPad video games, I said, "You know, Jack, if you read more, you can learn all these words and what they are trying to tell you about playing the game." It was if I saw the light bulb go on above his head! Now, he still brings it to me, but he tries his best to read it himself. We figure out the harder words together. Where reading was once a chore, part of homework to be endured, he now has a reason to get better at it because he wants to know their meaning.
Today, I am thankful for the power of reading and the places it has taken me, the people I have met, the adventures I have experienced and the new ideas I have pondered...all through the pages of a good book!

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