Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why Run?

After a LONG hiatus, I have decided to start up my blog again. I fell silent for a while because I just didn't think I had anything to say. For those that know me well, that seems impossible!
Today, I ran the FroYo 10K in Irvine. This race was my 8th 10K and my 75th race overall! Seventy five races seems like a lot, especially when you consider I didn't start running until I was 55! I am as slow as a turtle running through peanut butter, but I am running. I am out there and I finish. I spent more on races last year than clothes! Many don't understand. Why run? Why pay money and run a race? If you like to run, just run. I am not even sure what to reply to this. At times, I wonder myself why I run. When I am driving in my car and I see a runner, I think, "Gee, I wish I was running." I usually run by myself, even in races. I watch others in groups, laughing and chatting before the start and I stand silently by myself. There is rarely anyone waiting for me at the finish line, no high fives from family or friends. Running does not come easy for me. It never has. With each passing year, I get slower. It's a bitter pill to swallow. I keep records of all my races, times, placement in my age group, etc. Silly, meaningless data that only matters to me.
So, again, it bears the question, "Why run?" I think I can sum it up in one word ~ satisfaction. Even when I'm slow, even when it's hard, even when my body hurts, at the end, I feel an intense sense of satisfaction. I did this! I accomplished this! I am still plugging along in this life.
This feeling of satisfaction is enough to spur me on to run some more, sign up for another race, keep going.
And today, they gave me a cute spoon medal and frozen yogurt at the finish line. Winner!


  1. Susan I get it. No one understands unless they run. I am celebrating 25 years of running this month. Sitting here with an ice pack on my broken finger. A result of runing. I am so happy for you and the joy it brings to u. I get it!

  2. Congratulations on another run under your belt-no matter your time, you "Just Do It"! I am very proud of you!
    And I am very glad to see your blog post today!
