Thursday, June 11, 2015


Sometimes people come and go in your life. Sometimes you reconnect with people from the past and it feels like you saw them yesterday. Last night, we had dinner with Johnny and Cindy, a friendship that started because our daughter took swimming lessons from Johnny 35 years ago! Mark and Johnny played men's slow pitch softball for more seasons than I can count. But, things change, time goes by and you lose touch. Life gets in the way. This last winter, Mark remodeled their office at the swim school and we had the wonderful opportunity to reconnect. Chatting with Johnny is so easy. He is a kind, warm-hearted man who sees the good in just about everyone and every situation. I got to know his wife, Cindy, a lot better during the remodel, because she and I are like-minded business women who keep things organized and planned for our men. It also doesn't hurt that she was born in Nebraska and we have that connection as well.
What does all this have to do with grapefruit (see photo)?? Well, SOMETIMES, you reconnect with long time friends and they have the most awesome grapefruit tree in their backyard that is loaded with grapefruits that are so huge, you'd think they were genetically altered and they send you home with a bag.
For the next few mornings, as I enjoy my pink grapefruit for breakfast, I will smile, remember a lovely evening spent with our dear friends, and thank God for the blessing that is them.

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