Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa 10K Run

It was much too early for the alarm on a cold December morning. The sun was trying to break through, but it was deceiving in its warmth. The wind began to blow. Santa Anas were on the way. Waiting is always the worst. Cold, nervous and people bumping into you without saying, "Excuse me!" Why would anyone sign up for this? Why did I sign up for this?
Then the starting gun blasts and I am off. Hillier than I thought and some of it on trails. I hate trail running. I am always worried I am going to fall on the uneven area. Dodging people who are out there just for fun and don't care a bit about running. Pacing myself next to a lady who looks about my age and is going strong. One, two, three, four, five miles ticked off on my watch. I only have one more to go and I think I am on a really good pace. I make the last turn and see the banner with the best word in the English language ~ FINISH!! There is a little gas left on the tank and I sprint to the end.
When I look down at my watch, I realize it is faster by over three minutes than any other 10K I have run and I have a new PR!! Suddenly, it all seems worth it. They place a cute Santa medal on me and I grab a water.
My thoughts turn to, "When's my next race?!" I really love this and I am a runner!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow....a new personal best! Must be the great breakfast and ooey, gooey eggs they day before!
