Well, today I finally stepped off the iPhone cliff and got one. I know, I am a dinosaur that waited 2.5 years behind everybody else with this technology. Although I am sure I will love it shortly, right now I am circling it like it is a monster ready to consume me. Already I have exasperated my daughter with my lack of tech savvy and all my questions. Getting this new phone made me think about the first phone my parents let me get for my bedroom when I was in the 7
th grade. It was this exact pink princess. Please note the rotary dial! After all, it was 1966 and it was the latest thing!! It was such an exciting, rite of passage for a young girl ~ a phone in her room and a pink phone, no less! I felt terribly grown up. Who knew then what the world would hold now ~ computers, cell phones,
skyping, voice mail and email?! I may be slow to the party, but I plan to keep learning and growing as long as I can. After all, anybody who had a pink princess phone
has to stay up on the latest trends!
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