Monday, April 5, 2010

The Agony & The Ecstasy

These two photos were taken on Easter morning. They really speak to life's challenges and joys. My daughter broke her foot last week and is going to be in a cast for the next 8 weeks. Now this would be daunting for any one's lifestyle, but try and picture it with a five, three and two year old who need you constantly. We mothers are so often the unsung heroes that set the tone in all families. Nobody notices the clean socks in their drawer, but they will be the first to yell, "Hey, where are my socks??" when the drawer is empty. I used to tell my family that little elves did not do all these things, I did! The good news is that her current non-ambulatory state is not permanent. This too shall pass. It will be one of those memories you bring up and actually laugh about sometime in the future. Well, maybe only smile about, in this case!
Then there's the other picture, captured the same day and within minutes of each other. Abbey with her faced filled with joy after the egg hunt. She is proudly showing all of us her plastic ring on her finger. She loved running and finding the eggs. Her joy was so evident that it couldn't help but spill onto those of us who were watching her.
In viewing both of these pictures, taken one right after the other, I couldn't help but see the similarities to life. We all have good and bad that occurs in our life. We have worries, challenges, broken bones even. We also have beautiful, joyous events that fill us with hope and wonder and remind us that life is good. Sometimes it even comes in the form of a tiny, plastic ring!


  1. Love that picture of Abbey. Please email it to me! :)

    Mama A

  2. Hang in there Amber!
