In one of my all time favorite movies, The Big Chill, the characters are all sitting around and discussing why one of their friends took his own life. They turn to his girlfriend and ask, "Was Alex happy?" She looks at them and says, "I'm not sure. How do happy people act?" It is a sad state of affairs when we have a hard time identifying happy.
After many studies and research on happiness in people, they have found one constant thread. People who get outside themselves and help others are generally happier than people who do not. It does not matter how you help others, just that you do. Often helping is defined by three things: time, talent or treasure. Time is simple enough. Do something for somebody else. Volunteer at a place that you share a passion for their cause. We all have talents. You may not think so right off the bat, but, I assure you, you have talents. You may be good at sewing, or gardening, or babysitting. These talents can be shared with others who need them. You enrich their lives by doing something you love anyways. That's a win - win situation. Then there's treasure. Treasure means you write a check. Some may say this is a cop out and too easy, but I disagree. Money can make things better for an individual or a group. Some people don't want to be "hands on" in their helping, but don't hesitate to write a check.
What a wonderful thing it is, that you start out doing something for someone else and end up feeling happiness wash over you. OUR world and THE world both become a better, happier place!
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