Monday, November 25, 2013
30 Days of Thankful ~ #25
OK, confession time. I have been lying about my age for years. Yes, I always tell people I am a few years older than I actually am! Invariably, it gets the reaction, "Wow, you look great for your age!!" It puts a smile on my face, which is obviously causing all these wrinkles I am suddenly noticing in the mirror! Complaining about our age gets us nowhere. If we are lucky, we all get old. With it, comes age spots (shoulda used more sun screen!!), wrinkles (ditto on the sun screen), aches and pains and joints that creak. I plan to run head long into my "golden years" as long as I am able, even if I am creaking while doing it. I want to be that "old lady" that is at the end of the pack still running in the race. I may slow down, but I will finish the race.
Glad you finally picked up knitting!