Something terrible happened today. I was dashing into Petco to buy dog food and they had a big sign out front advertising an upcoming photo shoot where you can bring your pet and have photos taken. I stopped, read the entire sign and thought, that's not a bad price at all. When is the date and do I have anything on my calendar? Will she need to be groomed right before the photos? I pondered who would get the 5 x 7s over the wallet sizes!!
What has become of me?? I just considered having professional photos taken of a dog!!! I can't even believe I am owning up to any of these thoughts because two months ago, I didn't even have a dog! Dogs were a nuisance and smelly. Today, the dog who resides in my house is my constant companion. She makes me laugh every day. I sometimes reorganize my errands so she can ride in the car with me. I walk her two or three times every day, rain or shine.
"Hi, my name is Susan and I'm a DOG PERSON!!!"
Welcome to the dark side!