Where did we come to identify envy with the color green, as in "the green eyed monster".
In the ancient Greek theory of medicine, which long governed medical treatment, it was believed that an imbalance of certain "humors" produced one's physical symptoms. Jealousy was considered to result in an excess of bile, which would give a pale-greenish cast to the skin. This idea remained popular for centuries, though it underwent some transformations. It famously appears in "Othello," when Iago refers to jealousy as a "green-eyed" monster.
I admit to being jealous of people on occasion throughout my life. It is a terrible feeling. There was a time, decades ago, when I told my husband that I would look at people driving convertibles and think they were happier than me. Of, course, in his ever constant logic, he said, "How can they be when they are being whipped around in the wind and their hair is getting all messed up?! If you think that, let's buy a convertible, but you won't like it!"
Well, we never did get the convertible. He was probably right. I don't like my hair messed up. Wouldn't it be nice if solving our jealousy was as easy as buying a convertible? I fear it is far more difficult to solve than a new set of wheels.
Longing for things...more money, more time, a better job, kids who listen, a vacation, etc is probably not the root of the problem. The real issue is a longing in ourselves for a fulfillment that we suppose these things will be. Rarely does it and, only for a short time, in most cases. Like most things of value, they come from within and not from others.
It has been said that if everyone tossed their problems in one big pile, we would end up choosing our own problems over those others. If this is true, being jealous or envious of anyone is a complete waste of time. Stop being jealous of others. Jealousy is the art of counting someone else's blessings instead of your own. Ask yourself this: “What’s something I have that everyone wants?” I bet each of us can all put a few things on that list!
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