"How can I control my life when I can't control my hair? " ~Author Unknown
Hair plays an important part in any women's life. Through the years, I have experienced many different styles, not to mention colors!
When we are young, we are at the mercy of our mother's to make sure our hair looks good. Based upon this picture, that can easily fall as short as these bangs! What was she thinking right before picture day at school?!
I have no one to blame except myself here. I was fresh out of high school and thought I was such a hot blond. The outfit only helped to enhancer that image, don't you think?!
Finally letting go of my blond and opting for the natural color and simple, parted down the middle, long hair, I became the cookie cutter of most everyone else.
This clearly was a modified bowl cut. I guess I was hoping my giant stomach would take the eye away from this awesome hair style!
The "Lady Di" era lasted a long time for me. Short and sassy was the name of this.
When I think I actually PAID someone to make my hair look like this, I want to laugh or cry. I was either trying for the Texas big-hair look or another ethnicity all together!!
The funny thing is, none of us tries to make our hair look silly. Looking back, I can't find many photos that depict hair I would say I actually liked today. Most of them are as embarrassing as the ones I have posted here. Why didn't my family or friends kindly say something? How did they let me go out in public looking like this? It just shows you that styles change and so do we. My husband always reminds me that 10 years from now, I will wish for this body back. He may be right, but I am pretty sure I will never wish for any of these hairstyles back!
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