Thirty one years ago today, my life was changed forever. Our first child, a daughter, was born in the wee hours of the morning at St. Joseph's Hospital in Orange. I have always been a reader, so I had read countless books on being pregnant, birth and parenting. I had the facts and I knew what to except. I was prepared. HA! Anyone who has ever been a parent will tell you, being a parent is 10% from a book and 90% winging it as you go. The trick is having enough faith in yourself to let this be okay.
This picture of Amber is one of my favorites, not so much hers. Like every teenager, she longed for adulthood and making her own decisions and being in control. This club called "adulthood" is one that, on some days, you'd like to turn in your membership card. It is not easy. I tell her often the line from the movie "Parenthood" that Mary Steenburgen says to Steve Martin, her husband, "Life is messy." This "messy" picture of her reminds me of a time, long ago, when she was tiny, problems were smaller and protecting her meant plugging up the wall sockets. Little did I know, that was the easy part!
Today, I see a grown woman with three children of her own, juggling all the balls in the air ~ husband, kids, house, job, schedules, etc. I marvel at her ability to do it all. Life continues to be "messy" on so many levels, and yet, even among the mess, it has glorious moments of joy, laughter and beautiful memories.
Love you! Hate this picture! :)