It may be hard for you to believe, but I am going camping with the family in a few weeks. We did it for the first time last year and actually had a great time. I'm not talking motor home. I'm not talking cabin. I slept in a tent for two nights...on the ground! I have photos as proof!
My daughter Amber says it is amazing that I refused to go with my children when they went on their annual camping trips with their dad, but I will do it for the grand kids. Funny how we change as we age, and, dare I say...mellow?!
We plan the meals and assign each family to one of them so the burden doesn't all fall on one person (me). It works out great, actually, and we all help with prep and clean up. There is nothing like a steak cooked over a campfire, followed by s'mores. The joy on the little ones faces when they caught their first fish was priceless. The surprise visitor, a huge raccoon, that came into our camp late one night, is still a story worthy of retelling.
Yes, it's dirty. Yes, it's not as easy as cooking at home. Yes, I long for a shower on day two, but it is worth the grief for the memories it makes.
The extra night might put us over the edge... :)