This sign was in a magazine I was reading over the weekend and it made me smile. I have a wall of signs in my laundry room. Each one hanging on the wall is witty, wise & makes me smile. They also represent some of who I am.
At first glance, you might think the sign above is the sign of a bossy, demanding woman, and, you might be correct. That being said, I also think it means something more important. Woman do
set the tone in the family. We are the ones who juggle all the balls in the air and make it look easy. We are the ones who keep the schedules, make the plans, run the show. When our kids were small, my husband would tell them, when mom's happy, we're all happy. He was right. My mood often set the mood of everyone in the household. As powerful and wonderful as this may sound, it also is quite a burden sometimes. How you say something carries more weight than what you say. The old adage about catching more flies with honey than vinegar is so true.
As I get older, I want peace in the kingdom more and more. So, just keep me happy, will ya?