We have all been there from time to time. The world makes us weary and feels so overwhelming that we can barely force ourselves out of bed in the morning. Sadness, depression or however you define "down" does not discriminate. Knowing it hits all of us from time to time is a help in and of itself.
What do you do when you are down? Do you hide and avoid people? Do you put on a fake mask to get through the day? Do you scream and cry? Do you lash out at those closest to you? None of these ideas are much of a solution, but it is easy to fall into one or some of the behaviors to cope. I kind of like the saying, "Fake it til you make it." Sometimes just trying to put on a happy face, however fake it feels at the time, can lead to you actually feeling happy. If not actually happy, it can at least make you feel a little better.
We humans need other humans. We were not made to be isolated or alone for very long. In our darkest times, even if we think we want to be alone, connecting with other people can make a huge difference. I have always liked the saying ~ "Friends multiply joy and divide sorrow". I would like to think that I have been there for people in my life and helped to divide their sorrow. You actually give people a tremendous gift when you let them share in on your sorrows. Anybody can share joy, that's easy. Count yourself blessed if you have someone to help divide the sorrow.
I need lots of diving right now...
ReplyDeleteMama A
Dividing... Sorry...