Growing up, my mother, who was as about as fashionable as you could be when you shopped for your clothes at Sprouse Ritz (picture a place where Sears and Kmart were a step up!), always said you couldn't wear white shoes except from Memorial Day to Labor Day. This was one of those "old school" rules that everyone seemed to adhere to, even the fashion challenged.
Since Memorial Day was yesterday and June 1st is tomorrow, I thought it deserved a little consideration. Looking in my closest, where there resides about 100 pairs of shoes, I find there is not one pair of white shoes! I can't remember the last time I bought or wore a pair of white shoes. My daughter thinks white shoes are one of the worst fashion statements you can make and wearing them, immediately throws you into the old lady category. If that's all it takes to keep me from old lady status, my closet will continue to be free of a white pair of shoes! Who knew it could be so easy?