Monday, October 26, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015


My BFF and I take a trip every year. We try and tie it to a race for me and find a great quilt shop for her. This year it took us to Denver. We stayed downtown and walked much of the city. We ate good food, saw a movie and shopped and shopped. We used uber, which I had never done before, and it was an adventure.
We always joke that in our old age, we will be each other's wife. When we saw this darling sign in a antique shop, we had to get a photo!
The Denver Botanic Garden was a peaceful and beautiful place right within the city. Surrounded by high rise buildings, you find this lush, green oasis. We had a light breakfast and walked the grounds.
When we caught a glimpse of these two, in their muumuus and socks and sandals we decided that would be us in 10 or 20 years!! YIKES!!
Pot is legal in CO which explains the smell that grabs you every so often as you are walking down the street! We had to go inside a "dispensary" and check it out. They were really nice to two uncool, old ladies! We even got a sticker from them! StarBUDS...get it??
We crammed a lot into four days (we always do!) One of my favorite memories is sitting in the hotel room laughing far into the night. The memories we create on these trips are always with me. They are a sweet reminder of how important friendship is and how lucky I am to have such a beautiful friend!


Monday, October 5, 2015

Life Interrupted

Eleven years ago today, our lives were changed in a big way! Princess Madeline made her appearance. Oh, I know it sounds corny and trite to say that grandkids are the best thing to ever happen to you, but, frankly, they are!! Where you'd be considered a crazy mom if you walked around telling everyone how beautiful, perfect and amazing your children are, it is perfectly acceptable to say these things about your grandchildren. People listen, smile and nod. They thinks it's sweet that you are so enchanted by them. They say how lucky the kids are to have you close and involved. Little do they know who the lucky ones really!!
Maddy has become this tall, willowy blond who still doesn't know how beautiful she is. She loves her crazy, mismatched socks and beanie caps with any outfit she decides to put them with on any given day. She has a masters degree in the eye roll and often wonders how we all got so dumb when she is so smart! Then, in the next moment, she will sit down on Pa's lap and act like a little girl again. She can be infuriating and charming at a moments notice. Her world is getting larger and more interesting every day. Conversations with her are lively and often mature. Her math homework gives me a headache! I pray every week I can keep up with her.
#1 granddaughter, we love you to the moon and back! To us, you are, and always will be, perfect and beautiful!  We can't wait to see what the future holds for you.